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Hi, I'm Gustavo Kehr

Full-Stack Developer Junior

My name is Gustavo, I am a junior Full-Stack developer and my goal is to become a great professional in various areas of IT, with a great interest in software and web development.

About Me!


Full-Stack Developer Junior!

My name is Gustavo, I am 21 years old and I am looking for an internship opportunity. I have been in the system development field since July 2022, which was when I started my studies in back-end development. After completing my course and obtaining my certificate, I enrolled in a college for systems analysis and development. Today, I am starting my second semester in search of more knowledge and continuously improving my professional skills.

My Journey


2022 - 2023

Certificate in Back-End Developer at SENAI (Certificate)

During my learning process in the back-end development course, we covered various topics such as agile methodology, programming logic, back-end coding, databases, API development and back-end testing. During the programming logic topic, we learned by doing several exercises in the JavaScript programming language. For back-end coding, we used the C# language to create registrations for individuals and legal entities using libraries and .Net 6.0. When we moved on to API development, we worked on a project for managing projects and people using CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete). Specifically, we created an API with integration to the SQL Server database containing user information like ID, email, and password. The project section contained IDs, the registered book's name, the number of pages and whether the book was available for sale or not.

2023 - 2023

Certificate in JavaScript at Curso em Video (Certificate)

To refresh my memory and discover new things about the Javascript programming language, I decided to take a course dedicated solely to Javascript. It was a 40-hour course that I took with Curso em Video in partnership with Google, where I learned about ECMAScript, which is the standardized form by Ecma. Throughout the course, we did various exercises, focusing more on the web aspect, putting both HTML/CSS and Javascript skills into practice to complete the challenges during the course.

Certificate in HTML 5 and CSS 3 at Curso em Video (Certificate)

With my admission to college, I discovered during the first classes what the process of developing using HTML 5 and CSS 3 was like. Over time, I began to enjoy this area and sought to improve my knowledge by taking a 200-hour course in HTML/CSS. Throughout the learning process, I learned basic concepts, semantics, design fundamentals, typography, wireframes, responsiveness, forms, media queries/mobile first, among many other things covered in the course. Since I began studying front-end development, I have never stopped learning both sides, which is why today I aim to work as a full-stack developer.

Certificate in Excel at Curso em VIdeo (Certificate)

2023 - 2024

Master Degree - University at Universidade Braz Cubas (In progress)

I entered college in 2023 already knowing what I wanted, to acquire knowledge from professors and classmates, develop my skills as a person and professional. I am only at the beginning of a long journey until the completion of the course, but I am excited to acquire new knowledge within the various areas integrated with systems analysis and development.

My Skills

Coding Skills

HTML 5 Intermediary - Advanced

CSS 3 Basic - Intermediary

JavaScript Basic - Intermediary

Python Basic

C# | .NetBasic



Rest API Baisc

SQL Server Basic

Excel Basic


Personal Skills

Focus on result

Work well in team

Good communication


My Projects!

Temperature Converter!

Type the quantity before choosing the unit of measurement

Type a number and choose one to convert

Contact Me!


Gustavo Kehr
Full-Stack Developer Junior!

Phone + 55 (11) 99716-4041



